My name is Emily Hart. I have been blogging at my site, since September 2008. I have also been participating in collaborative blogs like The Motley Moose, DailyKos, etc. I love sexual conversations. I am passionate about sex-for-rent porn, BDSM, pegging, and the overarching question of “How do we define ourselves as individuals and live together as a society?”
I’m just a person, and who I am is in one sense, irrelevant. I am not an expert on anyone’s experience, other than my own. I choose not to blog anonymously for two reasons: First, because I want a life where people are not forced to hide our sex, gender, and body expressions. We both lose the individual and society when the personal expression was repressed. Second, some people will want to know who to contact to participate in this conversation.
I will be contributing thoughts on labels, rights, sex, individual expression, my own experiences, and daily/weekly round-ups of sex for rent porn around the globe. It is equally important to talk about safe sex, and how we need to normalize talking about sex without any judgment.